Making Hair Transplant


Achieve the hair you desire without the upfront cost. Explore flexible financing options, making our hair transplant services accessible to everyone. Confidence is just a few steps away.

Achieve Life changing results with our award-winning doctor

Dr. Rafael Sierra

Hair Loss Specialist

Whether you use your healthcare credit card to cover your deductible, or to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance*, CareCredit helps make the health, wellness and beauty treatments and procedures you want possible today.

We help make it easy for people to get the care they want and need, right when they need it, without having to delay treatment or appointments.

United Medical Credit is the credit card exclusively for cosmetic healthcare services. With low monthly payments every time you use it, you can use your card over and over for follow-up appointments or different procedures.

This means you don’t have to put your health and beauty on hold until you save up enough money. We give you the power to decide when it’s the right time for you.

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